WordFox Publication

I have a phobia, do you?



Phobia is a word which people don’t really talk about, nor do they discuss it. We are all surrounded by numerous phobias and so are our loved ones. This book, as the name says, is solely based on various phobias. But here phobias are depicted with interesting things like poems, open letters or short stories. We all fight in our lives with various fears, but what is important is how to overcome those fears. As pouring our hearts out, will make us feel good. And reading about various phobias is also an interesting thing. So here all the writers have given their best shots on writing about various phobias by explaining them with the beauty of their words

Author: Shivani Jani


Phobia is a word which people don’t really talk about, nor do they discuss it. We are all surrounded by numerous phobias and so are our loved ones. This book, as the name says, is solely based on various phobias. But here phobias are depicted with interesting things like poems, open letters or short stories. We all fight in our lives with various fears, but what is important is how to overcome those fears. As pouring our hearts out, will make us feel good. And reading about various phobias is also an interesting thing. So here all the writers have given their best shots on writing about various phobias by explaining them with the beauty of their words.

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